Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Yellowstone Art Museum Art Auction 47

The annual fundraiser for the Yellowstone Art Museum will be held March 7, 2015.

I am happy to say that my pastel painting "Bitterroot Valley Thunderstorm" is part of this years auction. This pastel is from a hot, muggy day with plenty of sunshine and plenty of rain showers.

"Bitterroot Valley Thunderstorm" is 30" x 40" chalk pastel on paper.

Monday, February 02, 2015

Missoula Art Museum Ruby Jubilee Art Auction

I am honored to be part of the 2015 Missoula Art Museum's annual art auction. This painting titled "Wise River September" was painted from one of my favorite areas in the Pioneer Mountains near Dillon. The fall colors change quickly in this location and it was exciting to catch it at the peak of autumn colors!

"Wise River September" is an 18" x 18" oil on canvas.

The Ruby Jubilee Art Auction and Dinner will be held Saturday, February 7, University Center Ballroom at the University of Montana.