Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Edgewater Gallery- New mixed media paintings

I am participating in the annual Small Works exhibit at the Edgewater Gallery in Middlebury, Vermont. This time I will be showing something very different for me, birdhouse altar paintings.

Two things brought me to these mixed media paintings;

1) I started painting birds in early grade school and still paint them any chance I get;

2) I have had a long fascination with altars and the intimate focused energy they embody. I love the honoring and gratitude that an altar invites even if it is only an opportunity to have a brief thought in that direction.

In creating these paintings I am inspired by the bright beautiful palette and gold leafed religious paintings of the 18th and 19th centuries. I kept the altars simple in design with attention placed on the bird and it's beautiful presence. When hanging in my home I often place a feather or other found objects on the shelf to emphasis my thoughts of gratitude.

Another aspect of these altars is the spirt animal symbolism from indigenous cultures.
  "Meadowlark indicates a time of cheerfulness, joy and easier times ahead. She shows how to move with determination, focus and tenacity and how to use your power to its fullest potential. At this time there is an inner magic to be discovered. Meadowlark teaches use of intuition that will aid in understanding the connection to all things...." read more at Animal Totums
To me, the appearance of certain animals in you life is synchronous to the personal events that are currently affecting you and by paying attention to these encounters you can perhaps understand a deeper connection to life on this earth. IT IS REALLY COOL WHEN YOU ALLOW THIS!